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Pulcom is the brand name of Fukui Fibertech’s special, fiber-reinforced plastic. Pulcom is made by reinforcing the unsaturated polyester, thermosetting metaplasia resin such as epoxy resin and phenol resin with glass fiber to create a composite material. Pulcom is stronger than regular plastic yet it is more corrosion resistant and lightweight than metal. The many special qualities that Pulcom possesses that other fiber-reinforced plastics do not stems from the Pultrusion Technique used to manufactured Pulcom. A continuous, filament fiber such as glass fiber roving is run through a reinforced fiber base material in an impregnation process. Next, after excess plastic is squeezed and defoamed, the material goes into a metal mold, where it is heat treated and hardened into a molded material. The material is endlessly cupped and molded, so it can be stretched and cut to the desired length. Applying the Pultrusion Technique, Fibertech is able to coat winding and round pipes with a thermoplastic resin. The technique also makes it possible for Fibertech to